Monday, April 26, 2010


Hola Leighann. Tu Quieres ir a un concierto conmigo? El concierto es 23 de marzo a las siete. Es en el parque. Mis amigos y yo vamos huntos. El concierto es mucho divertido.
Tu amiga,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Summary of Perez:
In the movie Perez 2, Perez the mouse is like what we would call the tooth fairy. He brings kids coins in exchange for their teeth. During the movie, Perez goes out to retrieve a tooth, but ends up getting stuck at the house with a family. He meets another mouse and together they try to find the "lost" tooth. He then gets caught by Penkoff, but the children stop him. He is safely returned back to his home land and continues to remain a secret with his job. His lady friend comes back with him.

Monday, March 8, 2010

El Mundo Maya

Map of Mayan World.

Maya Number System

Math problem:

My Birthday: 01/23/1995

13 Manik 10 Zac

5. The purpose of the Mundo Maya Project is to keep up a steady tourism program.

6. Mayan Folktale

The Rabbit & the Coyote

The Rabbit & the Coyote
Rabbit & Coyote

This is a story of Uncle Rabbit and the coyote. The rabbit came to a big rock, and there he deceived the coyote.

Cacao was made into a beverage. Drinking the chocolate was a big part of the Maya life. It also played a big part in religious events.

Mayan Hot Chocolate:
chili peppers
nonfat milk
vanilla bean
cinnamon sticks
bittersweet chocolate


Mayans comen chocolate
Mayans son divertidos
Mayans son simpaticos.

Monday, February 22, 2010

10 People

10 personas

Creo que Carrie Underwood es talentosa.

Creo que Steve es atrevido.

Creo que Taylor Swift es muy talentosa.

Creo que Bradley Cooper es gracioso.

Creo que Albert Einstein es intelligente.

Creo que Kenny Chesney y
Taylor Lautner son interesantes.

Creo que Rosa parks es atrevida.

Creo que Bob es gracioso.

Creo que Betty es fea.

Monday, February 1, 2010

El Menu de Restaurante

El Menú de Café Terris

El Almuerzo

No. 1 La Ensalada con pollo……$6.00

No. 2 La hamburguesa con papas fritas……$7.00

No. 3 El sándwich de jamón y queso……$6.50

No. 4 La sopa de verduras y la ensalada de frutas……$7.50

No. 5 El perrito caliente con las papas fritas……$6.00

Las Bebidas


El Agua La leche La limonada El refresco El té El té helado

Las Demás

Las fresas……$2.00

La ensalada de frutas……$3.00

Las galletas……$1.50

Las papas fritas……$2.50